Huzzah! The Movie

500 Years in the Making

Huzzah! The Movie is an exploration of the modern subculture of renaissance festival enthusiasts -- patrons, performers, and players who look to the 16th Century to find what is missing in the 21st.

​Glenn E. Bailey III and Chris Durham conceived, produced, directed and shot the bulk of Huzzah! the Movie. For them it is a passion project -- they are long-time festival enthusiasts having attended Texas Renaissance Festival and Scarborough Faire in Texas long before embarking on they Odyssey of this documentary.

​Glenn with his small pipes at TRF 2011

Glenn E. Bailey III

Glenn is a computer programmer, piper, and well-rounded nerd born and bred in the Dallas area where he currently lives. Glenn has edited and directed a number of narrative short films, with Huzzah! the Movie being his first documentary and first feature film.

Chris Durham

Chris is a screenwriter, powerlifter, and technology enthusiast living in Los Angeles. Growing up between Texas and Western New York, his first renaissance festivals were TRF and Sterling, and he's not 100% sure which was first. Chris's film credits include a number of short films on which he has written, directed, edited, or acted as cinematographer. Currently his focus is on writing with an emphasis on television. Huzzah! the Movie is Chris's first documentary and first feature-length film.

​Chris at Pennsylvania RF, 2011

There are a number of other people who made this film possible, but two people in particular traveled with us on numerous occasions, helping to make sure everything came together well. ​We wish they could have been part of the entire production because they made things better every time they were involved.

​Glenn & Maggie at Kansas City RF

Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith is a dear friend, an amazing costumer, and a great person to have around. She has acted as Assistant Director on a number of our productions including Huzzah, helping us focus on what was going on in front of the camera. Maggie is a long-time faire-goer too, currently working at Scarborough Faire in Waxahachie, TX.

HutcH Muselessmime

HutcH is an amazing Cinematographer from Dallas. While a casual faire-goer himself, HutcH was very enthusiastic about helping with the project and it was better for having him. HutcH is a great friend and was amazing fun to have around while we were shooting. Since Huzzah! he's had some pretty amazing successes in film making, having shot several feature films including one (Pitstop) that played at Sundance 2013.

​Chris, Hutch, & Glenn at Scarborough Faire